This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Testing SAP BI Java Query Outside iView

To test a SAP BI Java query outside of an Enterprise Portal iView call, you can use the URL:

https://[EP Server]/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!!2fplatform_add_ons!!2fiViews!
You should substitute “[EP Server]” with your SAP Enterprise Portal server hostname, and change “TEMP1” to be the name of the BEx query you wish to run.  You should take the same name as that used in the iView.

Deploying SAP Portal JDBC Adapter SDA using Telnet

Once you’ve built a new file ready for deployment into the SAP AS Java, you have two options for deployment in a NW 731 system:
– Deploy using SUM
– Deploy using Telnet

The SUM method can be arduous, taking anywhere from 20 minutes to over a couple of hours if you don’t already have the software.
Using Telnet is the lowest common denominator, uses existing software already installed and can take as little as 5-10 minutes.
As the <sid>adm user on the AS Java application server, use Telnet (must be installed on the Unix, Linux or Windows O/S, to perform the deployment:

sidadm> telnet 5<##>08

Once connected, you can query the version of the SDA: 


Development Component:
name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version: [7.3113.20140808110905.0000], software type: [primary-library], csn component: [BC-XI-CON-AFW], dependencies: [[name: ‘engine.j2ee14.facade’, vendor: ‘’]], archive type: [DC]

Then deploy your new SDA file:

deploy /tmp/  on_deploy_error=stop version_rule=all

Notice that you are disconnected from Telnet at this point.
You should wait around 5-10mins, then re-connect into Telnet as Administrator, then run get_result:

> get_result
The status of the deployed SDUs is Success.
Additional information:

[sdu id: []
sdu file path:
version status: [SAME]
deployment status: [Success]
description: []

That’s it.