This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Deploying SAP Portal JDBC Adapter SDA using Telnet

Once you’ve built a new file ready for deployment into the SAP AS Java, you have two options for deployment in a NW 731 system:
– Deploy using SUM
– Deploy using Telnet

The SUM method can be arduous, taking anywhere from 20 minutes to over a couple of hours if you don’t already have the software.
Using Telnet is the lowest common denominator, uses existing software already installed and can take as little as 5-10 minutes.
As the <sid>adm user on the AS Java application server, use Telnet (must be installed on the Unix, Linux or Windows O/S, to perform the deployment:

sidadm> telnet 5<##>08

Once connected, you can query the version of the SDA: 


Development Component:
name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version: [7.3113.20140808110905.0000], software type: [primary-library], csn component: [BC-XI-CON-AFW], dependencies: [[name: ‘engine.j2ee14.facade’, vendor: ‘’]], archive type: [DC]

Then deploy your new SDA file:

deploy /tmp/  on_deploy_error=stop version_rule=all

Notice that you are disconnected from Telnet at this point.
You should wait around 5-10mins, then re-connect into Telnet as Administrator, then run get_result:

> get_result
The status of the deployed SDUs is Success.
Additional information:

[sdu id: []
sdu file path:
version status: [SAME]
deployment status: [Success]
description: []

That’s it.