The following Oracle SQL is a crude method that can be used to check the V$SQLAREA view for SQL statements that have the same execution plan, but where the SQL is unique. e.g. SQL statements where only the predicate changes in the WHERE clause. These are otherwise known as adhoc queries (something that SQL Server 2008 is supposed to be very good at detecting).
The statement was constructed based on the “Understanding Shared Pool Memory” document by Oracle (
The doc basically says that a count of the PLAN_HASH_VALUE column versus the number of SQL_IDs using the plan indicates how bad the SQL needs bind variables since it should have only one or two SQL statements (the lower the better) per plan.
In my opinion, systems that return >60% for ACTION “Could use bind variables.” should either consider revising the application SQL code (permanent fix), or using the CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE init parameter (temporary fix!).
SELECT 'Multiple SQLs in SQLAREA using same plan:' DESCRIPTION,sum(pct_hash_use) PCT,'Could use bind variables.' ACTION FROM (
select hc.plan_hash_value,
round((hc.hash_use_count/sc.sql_count*100),2) pct_hash_use
(select s.plan_hash_value, count(s.plan_hash_value) hash_use_count
from v$sqlarea s
group by s.plan_hash_value
having plan_hash_value > 0
) hc,
(select count(1) sql_count
from v$sqlarea t
where plan_hash_value > 0
) sc
order by pct_hash_use desc
) WHERE hash_use_count > 1
SELECT 'Single SQLs in SQLAREA using same plan:' Description,sum(pct_hash_use) PCT,'No action needed.' ACTION FROM (
select hc.plan_hash_value,
round((hc.hash_use_count/sc.sql_count*100),2) pct_hash_use
(select s.plan_hash_value, count(s.plan_hash_value) hash_use_count
from v$sqlarea s
group by s.plan_hash_value
having plan_hash_value > 0
) hc,
(select count(1) sql_count
from v$sqlarea t
where plan_hash_value > 0
) sc
order by pct_hash_use desc
) WHERE hash_use_count <= 1;
You can also use the following query to determine roughly how much memory is wasted on single SQL statements that have been executed only once (you should use this on a well bedded in system that has been running for a while):
select count(1) num_sql,
sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0)) num_1_use_sql,
sum(sharable_mem)/1024/1024 mb_sql_mem,
sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0))/1024/1024 mb_1_use_sql_mem
from v$sqlarea
where sharable_mem >0;
You should double check the output with the SQL text in V$SQLAREA to ensure that the SQL is truly ad-hoc.
Remember to get some hard and fast values for the “Concurrency” wait class before and after the change (bind variables introduced or init parameter changed).
You can use SQL: “select * from v$system_event where wait_class#=4 order by average_wait desc;
” to determine the average wait time.
I would expect the library cache operation wait times to reduce as hard parses are reduced.
Here is an example of a system that is not using bind variables to optimise SQL:

When running the script we get:

You should note that an OLTP system such as SAP ERP should have a much lower count for adhoc SQL compared to a SAP BW system where users can write their own queries.