This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Always Save a Copy of a SAP Note

You know what happens, you find a SAP note, make a note of it and then continue through your day.
Next day, you go back to that SAP note and instead you get:

Sorry SAP note is being updated


You should always save a copy of a SAP note. You can do this by downloading the PDF version of the note if you think the note is relevant to what you’re working on.
Downloading the PDF version of the SAP note means you will get a PDF file with the name of the file being just the note number.
That’s not really helpful if you download a lot of SAP notes in a day.

Instead, what you really need is a tool that allows you to automatically apply the SAP note title to the name of the downloaded PDF.

Well, it just so happens that my free Chromium extension for Google Chrome and the new Chromium based Edge browser, can do exactly that!

With the extension installed in your browser, simply right click a SAP note page and select “Power Notes Searcher -> Auto-save note as PDF”:

It is downloaded and named accordingly, even including the version of the SAP note in the file name:

It couldn’t be easier.
This is just one of many features in my free Chromium extension for Google Chrome and the new Chromium based Edge browser.

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