This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Power Notes Searcher Updated to v1.2

First off, a Happy New Year to you!

During the festivities, I’ve managed to squeeze in a little time to make a couple of modifications to the Power Notes Searcher.  My free Google Chrome Extension for searching for SAP notes and helping you organise the SAP notes you find.

The changes include 1 fix to the Google Font API link which was no longer working due to Google’s move to ensure that it’s infrastructure is accessed via HTTPS.
I’ve also included some enhancements to the list of hard SAP links to useful areas of the SAP support site, such as the Support Package Stack schedule and the SL Toolset (for SUM and SWPM).
I also adjusted the link to the SWDC so that it now uses the new site (instead of the old

As a bonus, I increased the number of note tabs that can be opened in one go, from 5 to 10.
This means that entering 10 SAP notes into the search box (or omni box), will open all of them.
Finally, I increased the number of allowed SAP notes in the history, from 50 to 100.
I found that on a regular project for 1 system installation, I was regularly exceeding the 50 note limit.

With regards to up & coming features, well I originally meant to include the ability to tag notes listed in the history.  This would provide a way of saving favourite notes, plus saving specific notes as a project set or collection.
The initial core code for storing tags against notes is already built in, I just need to spend some time around the peripheral code creating the interface etc.  Let’s hope I can get this done in the next few months.

In case you’ve not installed the extension, you can see the details here on the Google Chrome Extensions Web Store (or from the link on my initial blog post here).

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