After working as a BASIS guy for many years, I’ve come to the conclusion that SAP don’t want to provide an easy experience when analysing SAP notes.
Compared to Oracle’s MYOS site, SAP have a long way to go.
For SAP notes, it takes time find them, you go round in circles and you forget what you’ve read and what you haven’t.
It costs me a lot of time on my projects, so I thought there must be a better way.
I decided to invest some time. I taught myself how to write a Google Chrome Extension and created the FREE Power Notes Searcher extension for Google Chrome.
It’s just gone live on the Google Chrome App Store today!
Very exciting!
I hope it makes you more productive with your work. It definitely has made me more productive and I can produce better documentation, quicker! This is great news for my current and potential clients.
August 2014 has seen v1.1 released, with a small fix to the table ordering in the notes history.