This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

SAP Software Provisioning Manager System Copy

From NetWeaver 7.0 onwards, you now need to use the SAP Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) to perform system copies.
As an example, a production MS SQL Server database PX1 is restored from backup onto a training system database server.
After the restore is completed, you now have your TX1 database refreshed, but the schema inside the database is still the source system schema and there are post-copy tasks to perform.
What media is needed?
You will need the following media:

  • SWPM SAR file.
  • The 700 and 720 SL-Controller file updates are not needed for system copies (unless you are installing/re-installing a Java AS).
  • You need both the 720_EXT unicode and non-unicode Kernels for SWPM (they are specific Kernels located in the SWDC under the NetWeaver download location.  They specifically say “… for SWPM“).  You will need the UC kernel even if your system is NUC!



  • You need the source system DDIC password for 000.
  • You need the password for the <sid>adm user.
  • You need the password for the SAPService<SID> (Windows) user.
  • The software media is around 4GB in size!

The SWPM performs approximately  the following tasks (I’ve added my own comments) taken from the detailed timings report at the end of a run.
I thought this might be useful to anyone new to the process:

  • Update System DLLs (not sure what DLLs, maybe VC++ Redist)
  • Re-Create users for SAP system (in database?)
  • Re-Install common system files (maybe SAPMMC files, HostAgent)
  • Configure database client (SNAC is already installed? maybe install MS JAVA JDBC JARs)
  • Cleanup of temp database objects.
  • Create/modify system database schema.
  • Migrate objects to new schema.
  • Delete old schema.
  • Set compatibility level for databases (sets to compatibility 100 for DB, tempdb, model, master)
  • Create SAP stored procedures.
  • Any MS SQL Server specific tasks (set PAGE_VERIFY to CHECKSUM, set AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC to ON, set ANSI_NULLS to ON, set AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS to ON, set AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS to ON, configures FILESTREAM, reconfigures parallelism and min and max memory settings, enables xp_cmdshell.
  • Grant database access for the <sid>adm user,  SAPService<sid> user and SAP_<SID>_LocalAdmin group.
  • Configure database parameters.
  • Perform post-load activities.
  • Check DDIC password (client 000, if you don’t have it right it prompts you to re-enter it here).
  • Perform table depooling (RUTPOADAPT)
  • Activate SQLScript Proxies (DBPROC_ACTIVATE_PROXIES)
  • Create DDL Views (RUTDDLSCREATE)
  • Restart instance.

At the end of the process, the schema is migrated and the system is ready to use.
There are some additional database specific tasks to perform, you need to check the SAP notes for your specific database instance.
See SAP Note 888210 – “NW 7.**: System copy (supplementary note)

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