This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Solution Manager 7.01 MOPZ Stuck Calculating Selection

I had an issue with Solution Manager 7.01 SP24 where I had created a maintenance transaction for an SEM system (with a sidecar Java stack) and it got stuck in the “calculating” step when in the “Selection” stage.
It would just sit on the screen with the blue circular logo spinning and nothing happening.  It did not timeout and when I left it for a day, it was still not progressing.

So, I opened another one, and it got stuck at the same point:

Solution Manager MOPz Calculating Stuck

I had made a change to the Java stack technical system in SMSY to indicate that the landscape pattern was “SIDECAR” as instructed by the SAP documentation, but this just didn’t seem to be working for me.

So I removed the “SIDECAR” definition and now want to cancel the two transactions:

MOPz transactions

Following SAP note 1296589, I opened transaction “/TMWFLOW/MAINTENANCE” and entered in the two “open”  transaction IDs and clicked Execute:



The SAP note goes on to say:  “If any MOPZ planning procedure is displayed in the search result with User Status other than “New”, then it’s the locking planning procedure.“.
So we can see that we have both transactions locking the planning procedure.  Woops!

Maintain the table TSOCM_COND_MAPP using SM30 (use a user other than DDIC for this!):


Find the line entry “SLMO  SLMO0001  E0002  40  SYSTEM_ASSIGNMENT…”:

Table TSOCM_COND_MAPP entries for SLMO

Change the column “MT” from “Cancel” to “Warning”:

Table TSOCM_COND_MAPP entries for SLMO

Save your change.  You will need to save the change to a transport request:


I then re-opened the maintenance transaction from SOLUTION_MANAGER and unfortunately it was still stuck on “Calculating…”.
So, the next step was to try and remove the two transactions.
The SAP notes and SCN both suggested using report CRM_ORDER_DELETE.
From SE38 I ran the report and entered the first transaction ID number (from the maintenance optimizer screen) and “Business Transaction Type” of SLMO:

Deleting SLMO entries

Deleting SLMO entries

I then went back into the Maintenance Optimizer and click Refresh:


It’s gone!  Only one to go:

MOPz Transactions

After removing both old transactions, I went and re-modified the landscape pattern to un-link the Java stack from the ABAP stack (non-SIDECAR).

I then reset the change to the TSOCM_COND_MAPP table and saved it.
I was then able to create a new maintenance transaction and successfully calculate the stack.

The SIDECAR landscape pattern in Solution Manager 7.01 SP24 doesn’t seem to work as it should and causes issues with the Maintenance Optimizer.  For the time being, it might be easier to try and maintain the ABAP and Java stacks independently.

HowTo: Cancel Large Message Stuck in SAP PI/XI Queue

Scenario: You have a large message that is stuck in the INBOUND (XBTS*) queue of an integration server (maybe an ABAP proxy).
(This solution is based on SAP note 688147).

The message is visible in transaction SMQ2 (inbound queue) for a few hours/days/months:

and it’s consuming significant resources, visible in SM50:

You may also be blowing the ICM http buffer, visible in the SMICM log file:

But, you can’t cancel the message in SXMB_MONI, as it is still scheduled on the QUEUE (“still scheduled in queue XBTS*”):

SAP notes state that you should NEVER delete messages directly from SMQ1 or SMQ2 as this leaves the messaging system in an inconsistent state.

What to do? What to do?

Instead, in this exceptional case, you can delete the message in SMQ2. This will prevent it retrying.
Once you’ve done this, you can then use report RSXMB_CHECK_MSG_QUEUE to restore the messaging system integrity by resetting the original message status to cancel it.

Delete the entry from the queue:

Now execute the report RSXMB_CHECK_MSG_QUEUE:

Ensure that you enter the specific message ID, then enter the PIPELINE ID (same as that shown in column PIPELINE in SXMB_MONI), select all status to search for and then select TEST RUN:

The log should show that it will flag 1 message for archiving (“No QRFC entry found. Message flagged for archiving”):

Now go back and re-execute the program with “Test Run” un-checked:

You will be prompted to cancel selected messages:

The log will show:

SXMB_MONI now shows the message is “Cancelled Manually”: