This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

SAP Web Dispatcher Reverse Proxy Features

If you read through any SAP documentation, you may be forgiven for thinking that the SAP Web Dispatcher is just a reverse HTTP proxy.
It can be located in front of a SAP WebAS and balance the load.
Therefore, it is a simple reverse proxy, right?

In this post, I am going to highlight some of the core features of the SAP Web Dispatcher, so that you may understand its strengths in comparison with other solutions such as Azure Application Gateway and even Azure Front-Door.

Heavily Engineered

There’s a common misconception that SAP is just another piece of software using an array of different components lumped together with some bits of Open Source. In some small cases this may be true of acquired software.
However, the core SAP software offerings are actually far more coherent and intricately linked than you may first imagine.

Ask any Oracle EBS administrator about their software stack and you will be impressed at how well the SAP software stack has been engineered.
This is especially true for the lower SAP Kernel level software components. The older parts of the software stack, are reused so often because of their robustness.

3 Routing Principals

The main thing to remember is that the SAP Web Dispatcher can route requests according to 3 main principles:

  1. Capability
    Is the desired target URL path served by the configured target back-end system(s).

  2. Availability
    Is the desired target URL path served by a configured back-end system that is available (i.e. not in maintenance mode).

  3. Capacity
    Are there more than one target back-end servers capable of handling the request and which one has more capacity.

Load Balancing Act

The SAP Web Dispatcher takes the HTTP/S request from the end-user and as part of the routing determination it analyses the target back-end system load.
It’s actually continually aware of the back-end systems.

There’s a great picture here, which highlights the load balancing methods used for the different types of SAP back-end:

What is not mentioned on the page linked above, is target back-end systems configured as “EXTSRV” (non-SAP routing) and also the “flat-file” routing method (very rarely used – at least, I’ve not used it).

The “EXTSRV” back-end systems will use basic round-robin to distribute the request between a comma separated list of target servers. Sticky-ness is achieved through HTTP headers, allowing the Web Dispatcher to determine which back-end system it routed your previous request to.

Even though “EXTSRV” is really designed for non-SAP back-ends, I have used “EXTSRV” for SAP systems, especially when using the SAP Web Dispatcher to avoid issues for system-to-system communications and wanting to avoid CORS issues (see CORS in a SAP Netweaver Landscape).

The “flat-file” method simply uses a static text file as a kind of false load response from a Message Server. The flat-file can be generated by anything and the Web Dispatcher configuration is then defined to route to whatever is in the flat-file.


Apart from “EXTSRV” and “flat-file”, all other routing mechanisms use SAP proprietary methods to determine the back-end system load.
As you can see in the SAP Help page link referenced above, the SAP Web Dispatcher knows about the back-end because in the SAP Web Dispatcher configuration, we tell it what it is going to be routing to.

As an example, ABAP back-end systems are added to the Web Dispatcher profile file with the ABAP Message Server described in the configuration.
The Web Dispatcher connects to the target system’s Message Server and says “hello”.
Once connected, the SAP Web Dispatcher retrieves the list of URLs that are provided by the ABAP back-end system, the servers that are served by the Message Server and the relative load of those servers.
All of this information is used during the routing determination.


The Web Dispatcher can handle HTTP 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 (HTTP/2) protocols delivered over TLS (SSL).

Since Kernel 7.49, HTTP/2 has been supported in the Web Dispatcher and also in the ABAP Netweaver stack. This is significant for the latest HTTP based SAP UX known as SAP Fiori. The use of HTTP/2 allows request multiplexing over a single continuous TCP connection, reducing latency and increasing throughput.

NOTE: There are some great SAP blogs out on there on how and why to enable HTTP/2 for Fiori!

For many years now, the SAP Web Dispatcher has supported the Web Socket protocol.
The Web Socket protocol allows developers to utilise push-notifications and provide a more real-time interactive experience for HTML 5.0 content.
Bringing a closer level of integration with the consuming Web Browser.


Some of the more complex uses of the SAP Web Dispatcher involve specific security scenarios.

One such scenario that comes to mind, is Principal Propagation, which can use the Web Dispatcher to front a set of common back-end systems.
The whole premise of Principal Propagation, is that the iDP (identity provider) is “impersonating” the authenticated user, by issuing a generated certificate of authenticity to the target system, on behalf of the user.
With a reverse proxy between the Web Browser and the target HTTP service, things can become complex because the generated X.509 client certificate can become consumed by the proxy server, instead of being forwarded to the target HTTP server.
To prevent the certificate from being interpreted in the wrong way, the SAP Web Dispatcher can be configured to shift the client certificate out to a predefined HTTP header., allowing a kind of X.509 client certificate forwarding.
(More information can be found here: Principal Propagation with SAP Cloud Platform).

Update Aug-2020: As pointed out by a reader, the SAP Web Dispatcher is also capable of reverse invocation. This is an added security feature which allows the target SAP system to open the connection to the SAP Web Dispatcher (instead of the other way around). The SAP Web Dispatcher then uses this open connection channel to send load balanced requests back to the target SAP system. The Reverse Invoke feature is obviously meant for scenarios where the Web Dispatcher exists in a separate network segment (DMZ) to the target SAP system, meaning you only need to open the firewall in the outbound (from the target SAP system) direction.
(Details here:


There’s nothing I like about trying to trace a HTTP call through a proxy server.
The SAP Web Dispatcher comes with it’s own secure administration page from where an administrator can enable advanced tracing capabilities.

The SAP Web Dispatcher makes it much easier to trace requests and responses, with the ability to show the complete unencrypted trace of SSL encrypted sessions (not using pass-through encryption).

The trace is able to show the exact ABAP work process number that processed the request in the target back-end system.

An administrator is able to move individual back-end systems into “maintenance mode” and provide a custom HTTP 503 (service unavailable) message, without affecting the other back-end systems serviced by the same Web Dispatcher.

The SAP Web Dispatcher comes with a vast array of configuration parameters to hone the characteristics of the service you are trying to deliver.
As an example, parameter “wdisp/handle_webdisp_ap_header” can be set to allow the Web Dispatcher to add additional HTTP headers to the request, thereby informing the target back-end system of the Web Dispatcher forward-facing TCP ports. This feature allows the target back-end systems to correctly rewrite HTML links and referral URLs, with the ports on which the SAP Web Dispatcher is listening for requests.
This is just one example of where the back-end SAP system is actually aware that it is being called via a SAP Web Dispatcher.

The Future

With the seemingly constant evolution of cloud based services, what do I imagine the future is for the SAP Web Dispatcher?
In my opinion it is here for another few years yet. The feature list is too specific to SAP landscapes for any real profit to be made by a competitive product.
However, what we may see in this hyper-competitive race for cloud adoption, is the use of a SaaS based version of SAP Web Dispatcher, provided for by the major cloud providers.
Right now, a SAP Web Dispatcher consumes far too much cost/resources/effort than it needs to. Therefore, a simple button click and subsequent configuration in something like the Azure Portal, would be a great saving and more importantly, a great incentive to potential cloud customers with SAP landscapes.


In this short article, we have discussed how the robust engineering of the SAP Web Dispatcher makes it the ideal front-end reverse proxy for the back-end systems of a SAP landscape.

In fact, in some situations it is the only possibility due to the way the Web Dispatcher is acutely SAP back-end aware, with many features built for native SAP compatibility.

Conversely we’ve seen how, in some situations, the back-end system is actually aware of the presence of the SAP Web Dispatcher and can rewrite HTML links and referral URLs accordingly.

We know the latest HTTP/2 protocol is supported and that this is in line with SAP’s goal of having Fiori as the future SAP presentation layer.

We discussed the extensive tracing capabilities, helping SAP administrators to diagnose complex HTTP connectivity, and authentication issues.

We can conclude that, SAP Web Dispatcher is not just a simple reverse proxy and its use within your SAP landscape is more than likely going to be beneficial in some way or another.
The SAP Web Dispatcher will be with us for a while longer.
