This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Checking R3load Export Progress

When running R3load to export an Oracle SAP database, it’s difficult to see the exact table or tables that is/are being exported.

You can log into the Oracle database during the R3load execution and use the following SQL to follow the progress:
SQL> select sess.process, sql.sql_text
       from v$session sess,
            v$sqltext sql
      where sess.type='USER'
        and sess.module like 'DBSL%'
        and sql.sql_text like '%FROM%'
      order by sql.part;

This will show the OS process ID of the R3load process, plus the table (from the FROM clause)  that is currently being exported.
For large tables, you may be able to see the progress in the V$SESSION_LONGOPS table by looking for rows where TOTALWORK != SOFAR.