This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Korn Shell vs Powershell and the New AZ Module

Do you know Korn and are thinking about learning Powershell?

Look at this:

function What-am-I {
   echo “Korn or powershell?”

echo $?

Looks like Korn, but it also looks like Powershell.
In actual fact, it executes in both Korn shell and Powershell.

There’s a slight difference in the output from “$?” because Powershell will output “True” and Korn will output “0”.
Not much in it really. That is just another reason Linux people are feeling the Microsoft love right now.

Plus, as recently highlighted by a Microsoft blog post, the Azure CLI known as “az” which allows you to interact with Azure APIs and functions, will now also be the name of the new Powershell module used to perform the same operations and replacing “AzureRM”.

It makes sense for Microsoft to harmonise the two names.
It could save them an awful lot of documentation because currently they have to write examples for both “az” CLI and Powershell cmdlets for each new Azure feature/function.

Controlling FUGR Access

If you have a super user role in your production system, it’s quite possible that use of the SUPRN_INS_OR_DEL_PROFILE or BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN function modules could be used from SE37 to give SAP_ALL and then proceed to get around other restrictions.
Since SUIM relies upon S_DEVELOP and activity 16, you can’t just remove it unless you leave the admins to find their own way to the underlying transactions.
Instead, you could lock down the S_DEVELOP authorisation object by removing access to the specific function group (FUGR).
When editing the authorisations of a role, set one of the S_DEVELOP authorisation objects to exclude FUGR (and DEBUG):
Activity = 03 & 16 (Display & Execute)
Package = *
Object Type =
4              to DE
DEVC     to FU
FUGS     to Z
Z              to $TM
Then add another S_DEVELOP authorisation object “MANUALLY”.
Set this to exclude the SUPR, SUPRN and SU_USER function groups:
Activity = 03 & 16 (Display & Execute)
Package = *
Object Name =
0              to SUNI
Z*           to $*
Object Type = FUGR