This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

SUSE Cloud-Netconfig and Azure VMs – Dynamic Network Configuration

What is SUSE Cloud-Netconfig:
Within the SUSE SLES 12 (and OpenSUSE) operating system, lies a piece of functionality called Cloud-Netconfig.
It is provided as part of the System/Management group of packages.

The Cloud-Netconfig software consists of a set of shell functions and init scripts that are responsible for control of the network interfaces on the SUSE VM when running inside of a cloud framework such as Microsoft Azure.
The core code is part of the SUSE-Enceladus project (code & documents for use with public cloud) and hosted on GitHub here:
Cloud-Netconfig requires the sysconfig-netconfig package, as it essentially provides a netconfig module.
Upon installation, the Cloud-Netconfig module is prepended to the front of the netconfig module list like this: NETCONFIG_MODULES_ORDER=”cloud-netconfig dns-resolver dns-bind dns-dnsmasq nis ntp-runtime”.

What Cloud-Netconfig does:
As with every public cloud platform, a deployed VM is allocated and booted with the configuration for the networking provided by the cloud platform, outside of the VM.
In order to provide the usual networking devices and modules inside the VM with the required configuration information, the VM must know about its environment and be able to make a call out to the cloud platform.
This is where Cloud-Netconfig does its work.
The Cloud-Netconfig code will be called at boot time from the standard SUSE Linux init process (systemd).
It has the ability to detect the cloud platform that it is running within and make the necessary calls to obtain the networking configuration.
Once it has the configuration, this is persisted into the usual network configuration files inside the /sysconfig/network/scripts and /netconfig.d/cloud-netconfig locations.
The configuration files are then used by the wicked service to adjust the networking configuration of the VM accordingly.

What information does Cloud-Netconfig obtain:
Cloud-Netconfig has the ability to influence the following aspects of networking inside the VM.
– DNS.
– IPv4.
– IPv6.
– Hostname.
– MAC address.

All of the above information is obtained and can be persisted and updated accordingly.

What is the impact of changing the networking configuration of a VM in Azure Portal:
Changing the configuration of the SUSE VM within Azure (for example: changing the DNS server list), will trigger an update inside the VM via the Cloud-Netconfig module.
This happens because Cloud-Netconfig is able to poll the Azure VM Instance metadata service (see my previous blog post on the Azure VM Instance metadata service).
If the information has changed since the last poll, then the networking changes are instigated.

What happens if a network interface is to remain static:
If you wish for Cloud-Netconfig to not manage a networking interface, then there exists the capability to disable management by Cloud-Netconfig.
Simply adjusting the network configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/network and set the variable CLOUD_NETCONFIG_MANAGE=no.
This will prevent future adjustments to this network interface.

How does Cloud-Netconfig interact with Wicked:
SUSE SLES 12 uses the Wicked network manager.
The Cloud-Netconfig scripts adjust the network configuration files in the locations /sysconfig/network/scripts which are then detected by Wicked and the necessary adjustments made (e.g. interfaces brought online, IP addresses assigned or DNS server lists updated).
As soon as the network configuration files have been written by Cloud-Netconfig, this is where the interaction ends.
From this point the usual netconfig services take over (wicked and nanny – for detecting the carrier on the interface).

What happens in the event of a VM primary IP address change:
If the primary IP address of the VM is adjusted in Azure, then the same process as before takes place.
The interface is brought down and then brought back up again by wicked.
This means that in an Azure Site Recovery replicated VM, should you activate the replica, the VM will boot and Cloud-Netconfig will automatically adjust the network configuration to that provided by Azure, even though this VM only contained the config for the previous hosting location (region or zone).
This significantly speeds up your failover process during a DR situation.

Are there any issues with this dynamic network config capability:
Yes, I have seen a number of issues.
In SLES 12 sp3 I have seen issues whereby a delay in the provision of the Azure VM Instance metadata during the boot cycle has caused the VM to lose sight of any secondary IP addresses assigned to the VM in Azure.
On tracing, the problem seemed to originate from a slowness in the full startup of the Azure Linux agent – possibly due to boot diagnostics being enabled.  A SLES patch is still being waited on for this fix.

I have also seen a “problem” whereby an incorrect entry inside the /etc/hosts file can cause the reconfiguration of the VM’s hostname.
Quite surprising.  This caused other custom SAP deployment script related issues as the hostname was being relied on to be in a specific intelligent naming convention, when instead, it was being changed to a temporary hostname for resolution during an installation of SAP sing the Software Provisioning Manager.

How can I debug the Cloud-Netconfig scripts:
According to the manuals, debug logging can be enabled through the standard DEBUG=”yes” and WICKED_DEBUG=”all” variables in config file /etc/sysconfig/network/config.
However, casting an eye over the scripts and functions inside of the Cloud-Netconfig module, these settings don’t seem to be picked up and sufficient logging produced.  Especially around the polling of the Azure VM Instance metadata service.
I found that when debugging I had to actually resort to adjusting the function script

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