This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

New – SAP Notes Dependency Browser

Speed up SAP note implementation analysis using this new feature.

It’s difficult analysing a myriad of SAP notes for implementation.
You always end up deep in multiple SAP note dependency levels, and going through each note to check the relevance to your SAP system is very laborious.

I originally created a cookie trail feature of my free Chrome extension for working with SAP notes, but now SAP have gone one better and released the SAP Notes Dependency Browser.

Originally released to Pilot customers in Wave 4 (May 2018)
It was subsequently released to all customers in Wave 6 (August 2018)

You start by entering your SAP note and once on the SAP note details page, if the SAP note contains any correction instructions, scrolling down to “Prerequisites”, you will find the button to launch the dependency browser on the right-hand side of the page.

Filtering by your own SAP systems applies a filter to the notes tree, showing only the notes of relevance to your system.
You can then validate the final list inside your own SAP system in SNOTE to double check.