This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

SAP Instance Agent as Mini-Web Server

In this post, I will show you how a little known feature of the SAP Instance Agent (available on every “modern” SAP system) can be used to serve files via HTTP and HTTPS.

You may be thinking, “This is basic stuff, I know this already“, in which case, you may only be interested in the very last paragraph of this post 😉

Why Not Just Use a Real Web Server?

During SAP projects there always comes a point where software needs to be distributed throughout the landscape, where end-users need access to a predefined set of software, or where scripts need to be centralised and downloadable onto multiple target servers.
Essentially, you need a common file distribution point.

Some projects have large budgets and some have small budgets. This post is for those with small budgets. Those projects where using everything twice, if possible, becomes an artform.

Under What Circumstances Would I Possibly Want to Use Such a Method?

Let’s imagine a scenario where you have a set of Korn shell scripts that you would like centralised across the SAP landscape.
There is/was no budget for a common fileshare and there is no budget to have someone setting one up.
Instead you develop an offline deployment approach, where the scripts are pulled down from a central repository on a schedule.
You decide that the central repository needs to be a web server and the scripts will be downloaded by HTTP.

What Is the SAP Instance Agent?

The SAP Instance Agent is the agent that does the work, when you run sapcontrol functions.
It is a small set of executables that come as part of the SAP Kernel and generally you get one Instance Agent installation per SAP instance.

For example, if you have an ASCS instance, there will be an instance agent installed under /usr/sap/<SID>/ASCS<##>/.

You can see the Instance Agent running by querying the list of running processes with ps:

>ps-ef | grep sapstartsrv

as1adm     1969      1  0 06:31 ?        00:00:01 /usr/sap/AS1/ASCS00/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/AS1/SYS/profile/AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1 -D -u as1adm

You can see that the binary executable responsible is “sapstartsrv”.

You will also notice that the SAP Host Agent also has a “sapstartsrv”. This is because the Host Agent and the Instance Agent are siblings, sharing a similar code-set, just with different functions.

How Do You Access the SAP Instance Agent?

In the history of the SAP product range, SAP created a Java based GUI tool called SAP MMC. The SAP MMC can be used to administer SAP instances on the local server via the Instance Agent. To be able to start the SAP MMC, it was distributed from the Instance Agent by HTTP. I’m not going to go into the SAP MMC because it will be going away completely eventually.

Generally, whenever you run sapcontrol and call a function, you are accessing the SAP Instance Agent:

sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetSystemInstanceList

07.05.2020 07:01:32
hostname, instanceNr, httpPort, httpsPort, startPriority, features, dispstatus
sapas1ase1, 0, 50013, 50014, 1, MESSAGESERVER|ENQUE, GREEN

What Is the Document Root For the Instance Agent?

In Web Server lingo, the “document root” is the highest level directory that the web server can serve files from.

For the Instance Agent, this is /usr/sap/<SID>/<INST>/exe/servicehttp.
Example: /usr/sap/AS1/ASCS00/exe/servicehttp.

If we create a simple text file in the document root, we can access it via HTTP:

echo "Hello Darryl" > /usr/sap/AS1/ASCS00/exe/servicehttp/index.html

We can use wget to access the file like so:

wget -q -O -

Hello Darryl

Can We Use HTTPS?

You can use HTTPS, the TCP port is the secure port 5##14 (50014 in our example).
Because the certificate used by the SAP Instance Agent is self-signed, you will need to trust the certificate directly.

We can use wget again as follows, but with the secure port and telling wget to not check the SSL certificate:

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O -

Hello Darryl

Are the Files Persisted Forever?

The files that you create under the document root of the SAP Instance Agent, are not persisted indefinately.
They get removed when the SAP instance is started.
Do not confuse this with when the Instance Agent is started.

An example, the Instance Agent is started up automatically by sapinit on server boot. Only when the SAP instance that is served by the Instance Agent, is started (i.e. sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Start), do the files in the document root location get cleansed, just before the instance is started.

I have previously put together a nice diagram about the interactions of various components during SAP instance startup. See the post here:

How an Azure hosted SAP LaMa Controlled SAP System Starts Up

How Can We Make Our Files Persist?

You can make your files persist, by creating a filesystem soft link from the document root and re-creating this link as part of the SAP instance start process:

mkdir /home/as1adm/docroot
echo "Hello Darryl" > /home/as1adm/docroot/index.html
ln -s /home/as1adm/docroot /usr/sap/AS1/ASCS00/exe/servicehttp/

Then you need to add an entry to the SAP instance profile to re-create the link on startup.
FIrst we need to establish the current number of “Execute” tasks in the profile:

grep Execute_ *

AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_00 = immediate $(DIR_CT_RUN)/sapcpe$(FT_EXE) pf=$(_PF) $(_CPARG0)
AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_01 = immediate $(DIR_CT_RUN)/sapcpe$(FT_EXE) pf=$(_PF) $(_CPARG1)
AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_02 = local rm -f $(_MS)
AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_03 = local ln -s -f $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/msg_server$(FT_EXE) $(_MS)
AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_04 = local rm -f $(_EN)
AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1:Execute_05 = local ln -s -f $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/enserver$(FT_EXE) $(_EN)

We add a new entry as follows:

echo "Execute_05 = local ln -s /home/as1adm/docroot $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/servicehttp/" >> AS1_ASCS00_sapas1ase1

Upon starting the ASCS instance, the profile is read and the link created.

You would then access the index.html as follows:

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O -


Even if you don’t use the above method for serving basic file content over HTTP, there is another use if you are running your SAP system in Azure.
We can use the HTTP capability of the SAP Instance Agent as a method to dynamically control which back-end VMs are accessible through an Azure ILB. This is an interesting concept, especially when introduced with a couple of other posts I have written over the past year.
I will elaborate further on this over the next few months.

4 thoughts on SAP Instance Agent as Mini-Web Server

  1. The last para. You means setup the ilb health probe response to identify which node is live? I mean have a listener/file something that identifies the vm you want as primary? Or is this for the LB to just identify which vms are live.

    1. You’re on the ball Vijay. 🙂
      I’m not going to disclose too much, other than the feature is very important in creating a super effective HA solution for ASCS using SAP LaMa…

  2. Darryl
    Is this works only works for standard instance not on HA ?, where /home/sidadm directory of HOST A is not shared for HOST B

    1. Hi Swami,

      You can choose to put the document root location anywhere.
      Maybe /sapmnt/dir_root or some other NFS share that is mounted on both nodes.
      It’s up to you.

      Stay safe,


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