Scenario: During DB access of a HANA 2.0 SPS3 Calculation View from S/4HANA ABAP stack (via ABAP) or even directly in HANA Studio (via “Raw Data”), an error is displayed in a short dump or on screen along the lines of “SAP DBTech JDBC (2048: column store error: search table error: (nnnn) Instantiation of calculation model failed: exception 30600. An Internal error occurred”.
After investigation you observe the following error inside the indexserver trace log: “Could not get template scenario <SID>::_SYS_BIC:_SYS_SS_CE_<nnnn>_vers2_lang6_type1_CS_2_2_TMP (t -1) of calculation index <SID>::_SYS_BIC:<PACKAGE>/<CALCVIEW> (t -1). reason: CalculationEngine read from metadata failed.; Condition ‘aScenarioHandle.is_valid()’ failed.”.
The error clearly references the name of your Calculation View (calculation index) but it also references another object with a name like “_SYS_SS_CE_*”.
SAP note 1646743 explains that objects with a naming convention of “_SYS_SS_CE_<guid>_TMPTBL” are temporary tables created during compilation of procedure objects. Whilst our objects naming convention is not an exact match, the assumption is that the object is temporary in nature and created during the compilation of our Calculation View.
To backup the above theory, SAP note 2717365 matches the initial error message in some respects and shows the method to recompile the temporary object.
The note explains that to reproduce its described situation you must “Create a script calculation view which is created based on a procedure.”.
With this in mind, after checking our erroring Calculation View, it is clearly possible to see that ours utilises a “Script” as part of its design.
Therefore, we can assume that the temporary object with naming convention “_SYS_SS_CE_<nnnn>_vers2_lang6_type1_CS_2_2_TMP” is the temporary representation of the script from within our Calculation View.
Following the SAP note, we can recompile the object via its source Calculation View as follows using HANA Studio SQL execution (or hdbsql command line):
(NOTE: in our case the object is owned by user SAPABAP1, so we login/connect as that user in order to execute)
The execution succeeds.
However on retrying to access the data within the view, we still get an error.
What happened, well looking again at our Calculation View, it appears that it references another Calculation View!
So we must recompile all referencing Calculation Views also.
To cut a long story short, it turned out that we had over 4 levels Calculation Views before I decided to just recompile all procedures (if existing) of all known Calculation Views. Some of the views were even in different schemas.
How do we obtain a list of all Calculation Views that use a script and would have temporary procedures?
We can use this SQL string to create the required list of “type 6” objects:
SELECT ‘ALTER PROCEDURE “‘||schema||'”.”‘||name||'” RECOMPILE;’ FROM sys.p_objects_ WHERE type=6 and name like ‘%/proc’
How did I find this? All (or most) HANA objects are represented in the SYS.P_OBJECTS table.
Even temporary SQL objects need to be accounted for in the general administrative operations of the database, they need to be listed somewhere and have a corresponding object ID.
By executing the SQL as the SAPABAP1 user, we get output in a similar fashion as to that shown below, with the first line being a column header:
We can then simply execute the output SQL lines for each object to be recompiled.
On attempting access to the Calculation View, it now correctly returns data (or no data), and does not show an error message.
The next question is, why did we get this problem?
Looking back at SAP note 2717365 it says “This error happens because the temporary created objects were not cleared up properly when this happened with an error.”.
Remember that this is not an exact match for our error, but I think the explanation is good enough.
An error occurred during the creation of the temporary procedures that underpin our scripted Calculation Views.
We don’t know what the error or issue was, but subsequently recompiling those Calculation View temporary procedures fixes the issue.