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Chrome 72 “bug” workaround for Power Notes Searcher

A recent Chrome experimental feature delivered in Chrome 72 is affecting the functionality of Chrome Extensions where the extension utilises some of the Chrome APIs to trigger actions depending on web requests.
This is noted as bug 931588 on the Chromium project issues list.

For users of my free Power Notes Searcher – Google Chrome Extension for SAP professionals, you could be affected.

What versions of Chrome are affected:

The main stable version of Chrome 72 is affected.

What are the symptoms:

On a SAP note page, if when you right click the page and select -> “Power Notes Searcher -> Auto-save Note as PDF”, my extension’s handy SAP note PDF re-name feature, does not seem to work.

Instead of the downloaded PDF being downloaded and saved as “<note-number>_<note-title>_v<version>.pdf”, the default filename is given.

Is there a workaround:
Yes, you need to disable the Chrome experimental feature “Network Service”.
Go to “chrome://flags” in a new Chrome tab, then find and set to “Disabled” the “Enable network service” item.

This will temporarily fix the issue until Google roll-out a fix to Chrome.
Another option is to switch to using “Chrome Beta” but this could give you other issues.

chrome://flags  to disable the “enable network service” feature.

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