This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.


Scenario: You’ve installed the SAP ABAP Tools in Eclipse and you’re trying to browse the catalog in a SAP Netweaver system.
You keep getting an error prompt which contains the error ACM_UNEXPECTED_VALUE.  Checking for SAP notes takes you down the path of ACLs and DCL for ABAP CDS views.  However, you’re not convinced this is the right direction to resolve your problem.

I had the above issue and it was a simple case of a large number of the ABAP CDS (Core Data Services) views in the database did not exist (they had either not been created or failed to activate). 

It was nothing to do with authorisations or permissions (I had profile SAP_ALL).
I was also seeing quite a number of short dumps related to “table not found” type errors from the database layer.

To fix the problem, SAP note 2519431 documents transaction SDDLAR (I was in a NW 7.52 system).

You can run transaction SDDLAR then select “All Missing DDL Views” in the section “Repair“; then click “Activate“.
It gives you the option of running with “Check Only“, without modification to the database.
Browse the list of returned objects that are missing, then when you’re ready, try and activate them all by re-running the report with the “Check and Repair” option selected.

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