This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

HowTo: Install SAP HANA 2.0 in a VM in less than 30minutes – Part #1

For the original post back in 2014 we used SAP HANA 1.0 sps07 and installed into a Virtual Machine running SUSE Linux 11.
Things have moved on since 2014 and we have now seen the arrival of HANA 2.0 with multi-tenant database feature and new HANA Cockpit and SUSE Enterprise Linux 12 with it’s new systemd daemon replacement of the old SYS V init scripts.
I decided it was time to update the post…
Scenario: You want to prototype something for a new HANA 2.0 database.  We can use the power of a virtual machine to get a HANA 2.0 database up and running in less than 30 minutes.
Well, it was supposed to be 30 minutes, and it sure can be 30 minutes, providing you have the right (fast) equipment to hand.
Remember, this is not a β€œHere’s the standard install process” hand-holding stuff – this is let’s get it installed and use it!
Here’s how…

What you’ll need:
– SAP HANA In Memory DB 2.0 install media from SAP Software Download Centre. 
This can be the Platform Edition (for native HANA systems) or the Enterprise Edition (for S/4HANA or BW/4HANA or any other x/4HANA).
I also cheated a little in my process, since I downloaded the β€œInstallation / Patch” for a HANA database, since this contains the latest entire code line and installer but is much less in size.
In my example I use IMDB_SERVER20_012_3-80002031.SAR which is ~3.5GB in size.

– The SUSE Linux for SAP v12 sp02 or sp03 (recommended) install media (ISO).
This is free to download from (although you will need to register an account with SUSE) but you don’t need a license.  This is ~3.6GB in size and you only need the first DVD (DVD1).

– A valid license for the HANA database (platform edition or enterprise edition).

– SAP HANA Studio installed on a PC which can access the virtual HANA server you’re going to create (the Studio install media is contained within the full HANA install media DVD, or you can download it separately from SAP Software Download Centre).
In my example, I’m using IMC_STUDIO2_212_3-80000323.SAR (should be the same revision as the database) which is 734MB in size.
NOTE: The later revisions of HANA come with the HANA Cockpit built-in (web based) so you may not need the HANA Studio, it depends what you want to do with it.  See SAP note 2185556 for more details.

– A host machine to host the virtual machine.  You need at least 20GB of RAM, although if you configure your pagefile (in Windows) on SSD or flash, you could get away with 16GB (I did !!!).
– SAP notes access.  Specifically to read/check SAP notes 1984787, 2205917 & 1944799.
– A downloaded version of SAPCAR.exe on your PC (if, like me, you will be using the VMWare shared folders option to present your downloaded media to the gues O/S).

What we’re going to do:
– We’ll create a basic SUSE Linux for SAP 12 SP3 virtual machine.  You can use any host OS, I’m using Windows 7 64bit and VMWare Workstation Player v14.
– Because most people are using VMs to maximise infrastructure, we’ll go through a couple of steps to really reduce the O/S memory footprint and for efficiency we use SSH and the text mode installer for HANA.  We get this whole thing running in less than 16GB of RAM in the end.
– We’ll install a basic HANA 2.0 database (in multi-tennant mode – this is the future).  Initially we only get the SYSTEM DB, then we create a new tenant DB afterwards.


Create your basic VM for SUSE Enterprise Linux (I’m using SUSE Linux 12 for SAP SP3).
It will need the following resources:
– More than 16GB of RAM (initially 24GB for installation) on the physical host machine .
– 8GB of disk for the O/S.
– 50GB of disk for the basic HANA DB with nothing in it, plus the installed software.
– 20GB of disk on the physical host  for swapping (if you don’t have 24GB of RAM).
– 2 CPUs if you can spare the cores.
– A hostname and fully qualified domain name.
– Some form of networking (use “Bridged” if you need to access this across the network, I will be using β€œHost-Only”).
Let’s create the VM and set the CDROM to point to the SUSE Linux 12 SP3 install DVD ISO file:

We choose to do the install later to avoid the VMWare β€œEasyInstall” feature:

Set the initial hard disk to have 8GB and store it in one big file (it’s up to you really):

Now customise the hardware:
Set the RAM to 24GB or more (you really need 24GB of RAM, but I have only 16GB and will be ready for some serious swapping).  After installation, at a minimum the VM should have 18GB of RAM for day-to-day running:

Give the VM at least 2 cores:

Set the CD/DVD to use the SUS Linux installation ISO you downloaded:

Use bridged networking if you need to access over the network, but only if you have DHCP enabled or you’re a network guru.  I’m using β€œHost-only”:

I also removed the Sound Card and Printer.

Start the VM.

We’re off.
The SUSE install took 12.5 minutes in my testing on a core i5 (unfortunately only 3rd gen πŸ™  )
That is it for Part #1 of this guide.
>> Continue on to Part #2 for the completion of our HANA 2.0 install.

4 thoughts on HowTo: Install SAP HANA 2.0 in a VM in less than 30minutes – Part #1

  1. Hello Darryl, Many thanks for this block
    Is it possible to install the HANA DB and application server on one server for a productive system? what are the disadvantages of this default installation (HANA and application server on one host)?


  2. Hi Darryl,

    Many thanks for your response.

    I mean when SAP Netweaver and HANA DB are installed on one server. Not Azure. Is this recommended by SAP for productive systems?

    Can that possibly lead to problems?

    Thanks very much

    1. Hi Steve.
      SAP note 1953429 “SAP HANA and SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP on one Server” this will answer your question.


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