When running SAP ASE in HADR mode with SAP SRS, you are not able to log into the secondary database as the sapsso database user.
This is because the user is redirected to the primary database in the HADR pair.
To get around this, you must grant the ASE privilege ‘allow hadr login’ to the sso_role as follows:
isql -Usapsa –S<SID> -w999 -X
1> use master
2> go
1> grant allow hadr login to sso_role
2> go
Once you’re done doing what you needed to do as the sapsso user on the secondary database, then you can simply revoke the privilege as follows:
isql -Usapsa –S<SID> -w999 -X
1> use master
2> go
1> revoke allow hadr login from sso_role
2> go