This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

DBCLONE Is Still Running, Running & Running Running…

Scenario: Your running through an upgrade of SAP on Oracle, either applying an EHP or a support package stack update.  You’re using the “Standard” downtime minimized approach and you’ve got to the SUM stage MAIN_SHDCRE/SUBMOD_SHDDBCLONE/DBCLONE and it has just bailed out!

During the DBCLONE step, a number of background jobs are created that copy certain tables, programs sources etc, from the current SAP database schema, to the shadow instance schema (on Oracle SAPSR3SHD).
The copies of the tables, sources etc, are placed into the new tablespace that you were asked to create in the earlier steps.

During this copy process, the database will be generating a lot of redo information (it is performing a lot of INSERTs).  This means that it will be generating a lot of archive logs also.  Most systems are in archive log mode by default, as this is the safest way of upgrading a production system.

The DBCLONE step can take a long time depending on a few factors:

  • Size of your SAP system master data.  Since the transactional data is not copied, most SAP systems will be roughly the same sort of size for the master data tables and sources etc (e.g tables D010TAB, D010INC, REPOSRC).  Don’t forget, once tables are cloned, it needs to build the required indexes on those tables too!  Then it will gather stats on the tables and indexes.
  • Quality of your database.  If your Oracle database is highly fragmented, the indexes are not in good shape, or there is a lack of memory allocated to the database.

  • Redo disk write times.  The faster the write times for redo, the quicker this is going to go.
  • Number of parallelised jobs.  The SUM tool recommends 3 jobs in parallel.  Prior to this SUM step, you would have been asked to configure the number of parallel jobs (and also your number of background work processes).  If you configure less than 3, then it will take longer.  I would personally recommend to have n+3, where n= your normal production number of background work processes.  This means you will not be hampering day-to-day usage by blocking background jobs.  The 3 jobs are created with high priority (Class A) so they get all the background processing they need.
  • Whether you elected to pre-size the new shadow tablespace data files.
    Setting them to autoextend is fine, but by default, the SAP brspace commands create the files with only 200MB.  By setting these files to be as big as they need to be (no autoextend) then you will save time.

During the DBCLONE step, the SUM tool monitors progress by RFC connection into the SAP system.  It checks to see when the DBCLONE background jobs complete (and that they complete successfully).
If you have limited space available in your archive log area, and this fills up, then the RFC connection from SUM fails to work (archiver stuck issue).
This causes SUM to report that the step has aborted, but that DBCLONE was still running.

You will still see DBCLONE running in the background when you resolve the archiver stuck issue.
At this point, you could choose to manually cancel the jobs by “Cancel without Core” in SM50 for the busy background work processes where DBCLONE is running.  However, they are still running, and simply waiting until they have finished, then restarting SUM, will continue from where it left off.

It knows where it got to, because it records the list of tables cloned in the SAPSR3.PUTTB_SHD table by setting the CLONSTATE column to ‘X’.
During the cloning process, the tables to be cloned are assigned to background jobs using the CLONSTATE column in the SAPSR3.PUTTB_SHD table.

You can monitor the cloning progress by using the following SQL:

SQL> select count(*) num, clonstate from SAPSR3.PUTTB_SHD group by clonstate;

You will notice that the CLONSTATE column will contain:
‘X’  – Tables cloned.
‘1’  – Tables on the work list of background job DBCLONE1.
‘2’  – Tables on the work list of background job DBCLONE2.
‘n’  – Tables on the work list of background job DBCLONEn.
‘  ‘  – Tables not being cloned.

As tables are cloned, the CLONSTATE changes from ‘n’ to ‘X’.
It seems that larger tables are performed first.

The method used to clone the tables is: “INSERT into <table> SELECT (<fields>) FROM <source>;”.
Then a “CREATE INDEX” is performed.

It’s also worth noting that you may need enough PSAPTEMP space to account for the index creation.
In a Solution Manager 7.1 SPS10 system, there are 13109 tables to be cloned.

As a final parting comment, if you have Oracle 11gR2, you should consider the database compression options available to you.  Reducing the I/O requirements will massively help speed up the process.

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