When starting the Integration Builder or any other Java based application for SAP PI, you get a Java error displayed on your PC for the aii_bdir_client.jar stating that it was “Unable to launch the application” or verify the Java signature.
This problem is caused by the expiration of the self-signed Java certificates that certify the server where the Java classes are deployed from for the Java Web Start functionality.
To fix the issue:
– From the main SAP PI Web Screen (https://<server>:50##00/rep), select “Administration” in the top right.
– Log in with your PISUPER user.
– Then on the left-hand side, select “Java Web Start Administration”.
– On the right click the “Re-initialization and force signing” button.
– Select the “Directory” tab on the left-hand side.
– Then on the left-hand side, select “Java Web Start Administration”.
– On the right click the “Re-initialization and force signing” button.
– Close Internet Explorer.
When you next try accessing the Integration Builder (or other Java Apps), you will be presented with a holding screen whilst the Java server collects and re-signs all the required Java classes.
It usually takes around 5-10 minutes to complete.
After completion, the Java apps should work as before.