This blog contains experience gained over the years of implementing (and de-implementing) large scale IT applications/software.

Lock/Unlock OEM Grid Control Accounts From Excel Macro

As a complimentary post to my previous blog post on Reporting All Oracle User Accounts Through OEM Grid Control, I have decided to post the code for an Excel VBA macro which uses three buttons to call the specific OEM Grid Control URLs that will enable you Lock/UnLock or Edit an Oracle user account using the OEM Grid Control user interface, but from a link on an Excel spreadsheet.

This sounds confusing so maybe I should explain the reason behind this.
I needed to know about all Oracle user accounts throughout the Oracle landscape so that I could compare them to a dump of Active Directory accounts.
The AD accounts get locked when people leave, but the leavers process didn’t always include the DBA in the ‘cc list.
So, armed with the Excel spreadsheet of AD users, I needed to marry the list to the Oracle accounts and then go and lock the Oracle accounts where the AD account had been locked/expired.

Sound OK so far?
Good.  So once I’ve got the Excel sheet with the ~200 Oracle accounts I need to lock, here’s how it could be done using OEM Grid Control (you can give the spreadsheet to your 1st line support people, if they have OEM access).

Three buttons on the spreadsheet:  Lock, UnLock and Edit.
Just paste the code into the sheet’s VBA section, then change the text “<your_oem_server>” and add the three buttons and hook them to the sub routines.
I should mention that this was an Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g implementation.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Call to open IE with the URL to lock the user based on the data on the current sheet on the current selected row.

Dim str_URLpart1 As String
Dim str_URLpart2 As String
Dim str_URLpart3 As String
Dim str_URLpart4 As String
Dim str_URLpart5 As String
Dim str_complete_URL As String
Dim str_sys As String
Dim str_user As String
Dim IE As Object

str_URLpart1 = "https://<your_oem_server>/em/console/database/security/user?oname="
str_URLpart2 = "&amp;event=lockUser&amp;cancelURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart3 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;backURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart4 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;otype=USER&amp;target="
str_URLpart5 = "&amp;type=oracle_database"
str_user = Range("D" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_sys = Range("A" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_complete_URL = str_URLpart1 + str_user + str_URLpart2 + str_sys + str_URLpart3 + str_sys + str_URLpart4 + str_sys + str_URLpart5

' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

' You can uncoment Next line To see form results
IE.Visible = True

' Send the form data To URL As POST binary request
IE.Navigate str_complete_URL

' Statusbar
Application.StatusBar = "URL is loading. Please wait..."

' Wait while IE loading...
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)

Application.StatusBar = ""

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

' Call to open IE with the URL to unlock the user based on the data on the current sheet on the current selected row.

Dim str_URLpart1 As String
Dim str_URLpart2 As String
Dim str_URLpart3 As String
Dim str_URLpart4 As String
Dim str_URLpart5 As String
Dim str_complete_URL As String
Dim str_sys As String
Dim str_user As String
Dim IE As Object

str_URLpart1 = "https://<your_oem_server>/em/console/database/security/user?oname="
str_URLpart2 = "&amp;event=unlockUser&amp;cancelURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart3 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;backURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart4 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;otype=USER&amp;target="
str_URLpart5 = "&amp;type=oracle_database"
str_user = Range("D" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_sys = Range("A" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_complete_URL = str_URLpart1 + str_user + str_URLpart2 + str_sys + str_URLpart3 + str_sys + str_URLpart4 + str_sys + str_URLpart5

' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

' You can uncoment Next line To see form results
IE.Visible = True

' Send the form data To URL As POST binary request
IE.Navigate str_complete_URL

' Statusbar
Application.StatusBar = "URL is loading. Please wait..."

' Wait while IE loading...
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)

Application.StatusBar = ""

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

' Call to open IE with the URL to edit the user based on the data on the current sheet on the current selected row.

Dim str_URLpart1 As String
Dim str_URLpart2 As String
Dim str_URLpart3 As String
Dim str_URLpart4 As String
Dim str_URLpart5 As String
Dim str_complete_URL As String
Dim str_sys As String
Dim str_user As String
Dim IE As Object

str_URLpart1 = "https://<your_oem_server>/em/console/database/security/user?oname="
str_URLpart2 = "&amp;event=edit&amp;cancelURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart3 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;backURL=%2Fem%2Fconsole%2Fdatabase%2FdatabaseObjectsSearch%3Fevent%3Dredisplay%26target%3D"
str_URLpart4 = "%26type%3Doracle_database%26objectType%3DUSER%26otype%3DUSER&amp;otype=USER&amp;target="
str_URLpart5 = "&amp;type=oracle_database"
str_user = Range("D" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_sys = Range("A" &amp; ActiveCell.Row).Value
str_complete_URL = str_URLpart1 + str_user + str_URLpart2 + str_sys + str_URLpart3 + str_sys + str_URLpart4 + str_sys + str_URLpart5

' Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

' You can uncoment Next line To see form results
IE.Visible = True

' Send the form data To URL As POST binary request
IE.Navigate str_complete_URL

' Statusbar
Application.StatusBar = "URL is loading. Please wait..."

' Wait while IE loading...
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)

Application.StatusBar = ""

End Sub

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