For testing purposes, you can perform an emergency shutdown of the HANA indexserver forcing it to simply crash out.
This will require a DB recovery (automatic) upon restart!
Use the hdbcons utility (as <sid>adm) to first activate the crash functionality, then invoke the crash:
> hdbcons
> crash activate
> crash emergencyshutdown
Inside the indexserver trace file (from diagnosis view in HANA Studio), you will be able to see the following text towards the end of the file “ExternalCommandHandler.cpp (00958) NOTE: INTENTIONAL CRASH: errorExitWithoutCrashdump“.
Once the restart is complete, you can verify that recovery was required from the indexserver trace file:
“LoggerImpl.cpp(00933) : Replayed 130944B (0MB) of log in 17.4729 seconds; 0.00714693MB/s; max known TID=50175“